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Icarus Film
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Icarus Films Weblog
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Wednesday, January 16, 2002

"Tired of being on the edge of peace or the edge of war - International War Tribunal Needed for Mideast" is a timely article by our long time colleagues, Israeli filmmaker Ilan Ziv (producer of eleven films which we distribute) and Palestinian journalist Daoud Kuttab (producer of two). Their film ON THE EDGE OF PEACE captured the (little noticed at the time) beginnings of the current vicious cycle of Israeli and Palestinian attacks, counter attacks, suicide bombings, assassinations and collective punishment during the very first year after the Oslo peace accords and the famous Arafat-Rabin handshake at the White House.

Monday, January 14, 2002

We were saddened to learn of the passing of Moe Foner, "the labor movement's unofficial cultural impressario." (From the New York Times obituary). We met Moe over 20 years ago and have been privileged to distribute films which he and his union, District 1199/SEIU, New York's Health and Human Service Union, produced. Most notably of course I AM SOMEBODY directed by Madeline Anderson about the organization of hospital workers (mostly poorly paid black women) in Charleston, South Carolina in 1969.

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