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Icarus Films Weblog
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Wednesday, September 25, 2002

Video clips from ARAB DIARIES are available on the web for the first time as part of an extensive new on-line curricular resource, The Arab Culture and Civilization website, sponsored by the National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education (NITLE) as a resource for all who would develop a better understanding of the Arab world. To view the clips from ARAB DIARIES, click here to go to the audiovisual segment within the Family and Society section.
Today’s New York Times' front page featured a detailed article about the reception of the abortion pill, also known as RU486, in the United States. To read the article Abortion Pill Slow to Win Users Among Women and Their Doctors, go to:
The long battle to legalize and the debate over the use of RU486 in this country is the subject of our recent release THE ABORTION PILL.

Monday, September 02, 2002

Anand Patwardhan continues to battle the censors in India to allow the exhibition of his film WAR AND PEACE there without politically motivated cuts. Click here to read his press release of August 24th on the continuing battle.

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