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Icarus Films Weblog
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Thursday, October 17, 2002

We are proud to announce that three of our films have been nominated for the International Documentary Association (IDA) annual Distinguished Documentary Achievement Awards. A CHILD'S CENTURY OF WAR, a film about the increased vulnerability of children in modern warfare, was nominated in the Feature Length category. A poetic examination of a radical song that has long been the anthem of socialism and communism, THE INTERNATIONALE received two nominations, for Best Short Film and The Pare Lorentz Award. Finally, and THE TRIALS OF HENRY KISSINGER, which examines charges that the former Secretary of State and Nobel Peace Prize winner is a war criminal, was nominated for the ABCNEWS Videosource Award.

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

A video clip from FIRST KILL, is now available on line at: The film, dealing with man¡¦s fascination with war, features Michael Herr, scriptwriter for "Full Metal Jacket" and author of the bestseller "DISPATCHES" and explores the seduction, fascination and excitement which can be aroused through killing.

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