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Tuesday, May 18, 2004

On Wednesday, May 19 Film Forum in New York City will present the U.S. Theatrical Premiere of Rithy Panh's acclaimed documentary. An article by Leslie Camhi in the Sunday, May 16 Arts section of the New York Times does a good job of framing the film, and why it is so important.

S21: THE KHMER ROUGE KILLING MACHINE has already had a real effect on the movement to hold those guilty of genocide accountable. After seeing S21, former Khmer Rouge head of state Khieu Samphan acknowledged for the first time that his regime committed genocide. Panh says he would like to see the highest-ranking Khmer Rouge leaders, who are still alive, put on trial. But what is more urgent for Panh is to help Cambodians work on their personal memories, "It is a question of who we are, where we come from, how we explain ourselves to our children."

Monday, May 10, 2004

ARIEL SHARON and Ilan Ziv’s THE JUNCTION Premiere Theatrically in New York on May 13th!
Two new films on the history and current deadly reality of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will open in New York on Thursday, May 13th.

SLAVES OF THE SWORD: ARIEL SHARON and acclaimed filmmaker Ilan Ziv's new film, THE JUNCTION will be presented at New York’s Anthology Film Archives for a one-week run May 13-19, 2004.

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