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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Icarus Films acquires A MAN VANISHES (1967) and five other rare films by Shohei Imamura

from A MAN VANISHES (1967)

On July 10th, Icarus Films announced the acquisitions of six rare films from Shohei Imamura. Imamura, called “one of the most significant filmmakers of Japan’s postwar generation" by the New York Times' Dave Kehr, is known widely for his fiction features, but the documentaries and quasi-documentaries he produced in the late 1960s and early '70s have remained long unknown in the United States. 

An investigation into the disappearance of an office worker, A MAN VANISHES conflates the boundaries of documentary and fiction. It is an early example of what film historian Donald Ritchie called, “One of Imamura’s major themes… [the] confrontation of illusion with reality (and the resultant problem of telling which is which).”

from A MAN VANISHES (1967)

Alongside A MAN VANISHES, Icarus will be releasing the 1975 feature documentary KARAYUKI-SAN, THE MAKING OF A PROSTITUTE, and five documentaries made for television: IN SEARCH OF THE UNRETURNED SOLDIERS IN MALAYSIA (1971), IN SEARCH OF THE UNRETURNED SOLDIERS IN THAILAND (1971), MUHOMATSU RETURNS HOME (1973), and THE PIRATES OF BUBUAN (1972). 

Icarus Films is currently producing newly subtitled, high definition masters 

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